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桂林临桂万达广场: 企业相册

桂林临桂万达广场: 公司介绍

      万达广场是中国商业地产第一品牌。 城市综合体是万达在世界独创的商业地产模式,内容包括大型商业中心、城市步行街、五星级酒店、写字楼、公寓等,集购物、餐饮、文化、娱乐等多种功能于一体,形成独立的大型商圈,万达广场就是城市中心。

      万达广场是企业效益和社会效益的和谐统一,产生四大社会效益:一、 提升城市商业档次;二、新增大量就业岗位;三、创造持续巨额税收;四、丰富群众消费需求。

Wanda Plaza is the premier brand of Chinal'scommercial property sector .HOPSCA, the third-generation Urban Complex, is a unique commercial property modelinvented by Wanda Group. It comprises a large commercial center, pedestrian street, five-star hotels, office bildings and apartments, integrating functions of shppinp, dining. culture and entertianment into a single entity. Wanda Plaza constitutes a large independent business district. Wanda Plaza is precisely the city center.

Wanda Plaza represents the harmonius merger of enterprises and social benefit. The four majer social benefits generated are-upgrading the commercial level of urban areas, creating a large number of jobs, providing sustained sources of high tax revenue and satisfying consumer demand.


桂林临桂万达广场: 在招职位


桂林临桂万达广场: 上班地点

公司地址: 临桂区临桂镇西城大道西侧、公园北路北侧 查看上班路线

主要业务: 万达广场是全球商业领先品牌,集社交、娱乐、美食、零售功能于一体,形成独立大型商圈,万达广场就是城市中心。